Month: November 2014


“I can’t handle it all” Wow those are tough words to say or swallow.  In this lifetime I’ve learned the hard way, (which is the overcommitting till I have a complete bedridden stress-induced sickness), that I am not able to handle as much as some people are.  You see, we compare our capacity to others, we see the mom next… Read more →

Frugal Fitness!!!

Can you tell I like using alliteration?  My grammar nerd friends will understand, lol. So I am on a Dave Ramsey budget at the moment, and had to put my gym membership on hold. One of the programs I really liked to use was the Tracy Anderson Method, however, since I impinged my shoulder I am not able to do… Read more →

Don’t Get Stuck!

At the beginning of this year, one of my family members went through a very rough period.  This also affected me as I hurt deeply when my loved ones are hurting. During that time, I knew I needed to be alone with God and just bask in his beauty to try and cope with what was happening…..I think I am… Read more →