I don’t believe….
Recently, I heard those words from a friend of mine going through a rough time. She said that she was raised in church and felt like she should believe, but just didn’t. She was having several financial, health, and mental challenges and just felt hopeless. I was a bit surprised when she called me as I haven’t heard from her in a while, but I knew that God had ordained this conversation.
So I give you this back story, because I know that some of you reading this do not believe. I know that some of you are also Christians, but yet are lacking in faith. Deep down you have your doubts that He is even there or that He even cares. I know this, because I have been there. In the depths of despair, wondering why God and do you really love me?
After listening to her troubles, I asked God to give me the words to say. I knew it was not as easy as saying, “just have faith”. So the Holy Spirit brought this verse to mind, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7
God’s word is real and true, and it does work. So I invited her to simply….ASK. Ask God to reveal himself to you. Ask him to give you faith. Cry out, acknowledge your doubt, trust me HE can handle it. And if at first you don’t succeed, try try again as it says, keep asking, keep seeking, and keep knocking. I am confident that the sovereign Lord will delight to show himself to you. He’s been longing for a relationship with you for some time now. Please just remember that when he does show up, he would like a response on your part. Begin to pray about making him your Lord and Savior, and just allow him into your heart. I promise your life will change forever! Mine has, a long with so many people out there that I know.
If you are already a believer, and due to your circumstances you have grown you numb or you just feel apathetic and not on fire as you once were, then I challenge you also, to ASK! Ask for more of him, more trust, more faith, more love, more of the Holy Spirit, and He will act. Be content, but not complacent in your life and don’t ever stop chasing God…
~Happy Asking My Friends