If You’re Looking for Perfection..


You’ve come to the wrong place.  Especially if you know me, I am not always the sweetest, most delightful example of Jesus.  I have many flaws including; insecurity, impatience, control, etc.  I could go on forever.  However, there are also many things I have overcome in Jesus, one victory at a time.  I hope you are too!

So as you’re reading these posts, I ask that you remember….what I’m writing is God-breathed, with His inspiration.

I pray you don’t look at my flaws or missteps, but that you see a girl who just wants better for you and your life.  The only reason I’m taking my spare time to write this, is because I have been through so much in life.  I don’t want you to make the same mistakes, I want you to get A HOLD OF GOD sooner!

Grab your bible, study the Word, get in a spirit-filled church, start listening to Christian music instead of the horrible messages on the radio.  Just take a step, any step towards Christ…today!  Accept the Lord Jesus into your life, and begin your marvelous journey.

I think back over my years, and if I really started living for Him sooner, oh how much heartache I could’ve spared myself.  But…..I think He allowed all of this for YOU.  He allowed my mistakes and suffering because He knew that eventually I would come around.  He is a gentlemen and a loving God who gives us a choice, He will never force you.  He knew that I would be able to go back and tell you, the good news.  That our Lord and Savior can REDEEM YOU from the pit.  He can redeem you from addiction, prostitution, alcoholism, lust, selfishness, etc. etc.

The quicker you start on your journey with our precious Savior, the better your quality of life will be.  SPOILER ALERT…a life with Jesus isn’t carefree.  If anything I have been tested more than I ever was before I truly started living for Him.  But don’t be afraid, it is also the most rewarding thing you’ll ever do! What is amazing, is that now…God is with me.  Jesus holds my hand through the storms and for that I am ETERNALLY GRATEFUL!  His word says he makes ALL THINGS NEW!  No matter what you’ve done, your life can be turned around, NO MATTER WHAT! And guess what? You will keep on sinning and He knows that, but you will be changed, from glory to glory and you will GROW!

So I beg of you, look to the Savior for perfection.  Read this blog knowing that it even though I don’t have it all together, I can point you to the one who does.  I’m going to be very real here and even share some of my personal struggles in hopes that your life will be changed…

~Happy Reading!

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